The Governing Body act as Duty Bearers for the children in our school, ensuring that children’s rights are met.
The purpose of the Governing Body is to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its strategic functions are:
- Strategic leadership (setting direction, culture, values and ethos, decision making, collaborative working, risk management)
- Accountability (educational improvement, analysis of data, financial accountability, management and monitoring, staffing and external accountability)
- Building an effective team (managing people)
- Structures (roles and responsibilities)
- Compliance (statutory and contractual)
- Evaluation- ( managing self review and personal skills, managing and developing the body’s effectiveness)
Our current governors are:
- Chair: Mr T Watson(Co-opted Governor)
- Vice Chair: Mrs C Langdon (Parent Govenor)
- Mrs J. Henry (Staff Governor)
- Mrs C. Williams (Co-opted Governor)
- Mr A Cammiss (Co-opted Governor)
- Mrs W Fickling (Co-opted Governor)
- Mrs L Fenwick (Local Authority Govenor)
- Ms A Marshall (Co-opted Governor)
- Mrs A Jones (Parent Governor)
- Mrs J.L Morgan (Head Teacher)
- Senior leaders may attend meetings by agreement with the governing body as part of their professional training
Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months
Mrs R Cammiss – resigned 24.9.24
Mrs J Winn – resigned 30.8.23
For more information on our governors; including details of business interests, committees and positions of responsibility, and attendance at meetings please see below..
Governors sub-committees
Name | Term of Office | Appointed By | Committee | Chair of | Link Governor Responsibilities | Register of Interests / Relationship |
Mr Terri Watson
Chair of Governors |
Parent Start Date 17.9.14 |
Parents | Behaviour and Safety (BASC) Personnel Finance and Premises (F&P) |
Head Teacher’s performance review
GDPR Computing curriculum/ systems/website/ I pads/ online safety SEND/ inclusion CIC / Medical Needs / Assessment and Data / Pupil Progress / Safeguarding / Appraisal / Health and Safety |
Related to MDSA Works as freelance cameraman in area |
Mrs Claire Langdon
Vice Chair |
Parent Governor
Start date 23.1.23 |
Parents | Behaviour and Safety (BASC), Pay Review First
Standards and Achievement (STAC)
Mental Health & Wellbeing, Pastoral, PSHE/SRE/HH Group. | ||
Mrs Joanne Morgan | Head Teacher
1.09.24 |
Governing Body | Behaviour and Safety (BASC)
Standards and Achievement (STAC) Personnel Finance and Premises (F&P) |
N/A | Member of staff at SHPS | |
Mrs June Henry | Staff Start date 26.9.14 |
Staff | Behaviour and Safety Standard and Achievement (STAC) |
N/A | History, Geography, R.E, MFL Rights Respecting. |
Member of staff at SHPS
Mrs Carla Williams | Co-Opted Start Date 13.3.17 |
Governing Body | Personnel Behaviour and Safety (BASC) Finance and Premises (F&P) |
Finance and Premises (F&P)
Maths Science RRSA |
Andrew Cammiss | Co-opted Govenor
12.11.24 |
Governing Body | Behaviour and Safety (BASC)
Standards and Achievement (STAC) Finance and Premises (F&P)
N/A | PE / Sport Outdoor Learning / Forest Schools Charity / Community links Standards and Achievement (STAC) Finance and Premises (F&P) |
Behaviour and Safety (BASC)
Mrs Wendy Fickling |
Co opted Start date 11.11.24 |
Governing Body | Premises | N/A | Employed by OCS, School building provider Employed by SHPS as MDSA |
Mrs Louise Fenwick | Local Authority Governor
Start date 29.09.23 |
Governing Body | Finance and Premises (F&P) and Standards and Achievement (STAC)
Pay Review | Community links, G&T /NACE and ILPs, Pupil Premium. | Local Councillor |
Mrs Ashleigh Jones
Parent Governor
Start date 10.2.24 |
Parents | Appeals and Standards and Achievement (STAC)
Curriculum Development, EYFS and Science. | ||
Anne Marshall | Co-opted Governor
17.6.21 |
Governing Body | Appeals, Behaviour and Safety, Head teachers Performance Review | Behaviour and Safety | CPD, ECT, CIC, Medical, Music, SEND, Therapeutic Interventions |
Previous Governing Body Meetings
Governor Meetings Shotton Hall Primary 2024-2025
Governor Meetings-ShottonHallPrimary 2023-2024
Governor Meetings Shotton Hall Primary 2022-2023
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Shotton Hall Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.