Our School Office Staff are here to help you, they work under the management of our business manager Mrs Treanor. We have Mrs Murray and Mrs Kennedy on the front desk and they will do all they can to help you with your inquiries. These adults are Duty Bearers who ensure that children’s rights are met.
Here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers.
Breaktime snacks
KS1 children are provided with fruit at break time as part of the national initiative. However, if you wish your KS2 child to have a piece of fruit at break time please send this in a marked bag or with a label on. We do not allow pupils to go into their packed lunch boxes at break time.
Online Payments
We are a cashless school and only accept online payments for school dinners, breakfast and after school clubs and educational visits. If you require a password and log in details to use this system please contact the school office.
School Dinners
School dinners are provided by Chartwells, these are priced at £2.81 per day (£14.05 per week) for Key Stage 2 until September 2024. Children in EYFS and Key Stage one have a free school meal. Details about our menus are available under the School Dinners section of our website.
Packed lunches will be placed https://shottonhallpri8403527.wp-sch.durham.gov.uk/parents/school-office/school-dinners/on the trolley and the trolley will be kept in storage until lunchtime so children will not be able to go into their lunchbox at break time– this keeps all food safe. Children will be offered an option of milk at lunchtime as an alternative to water. We do not allow pupils to bring any other drinks to school.
Cool Milk
Children can also have a drink of milk at play time via the Cool Milk Scheme. To sign your child up for this scheme please visit their website, Cool Milk.
School Closures / Bad Weather
In the event of the school needing to close for unforeseen circumstances such as very bad weather we will alert parents by text message, social media and local radio.