Welcome to Class 9!
We are a Year 4 class and our teacher is Mr Johnston who will be supported by Mrs Sinclair and Miss feather. We enjoy working hard and becoming confident, independent learners.
Our first History topic is ‘Why did the Vikings invade Great Britain?’ In this topic we will learn about ancient civilizations and the impact their migration and settlement has had on modern life. In Geography we will be learning how to use a compass and grid references to navigate a map. We will create our own maps and go on a treasure hunt, completing a fieldwork study of our local area. We will be looking at paintings of cities and towns in art and having a go at our own paintings. Our Science work will be learning about the digestive system and states of matter, where hopefully we will have the opportunity to build a snowman!
During the Spring term we will be doing a local history study around the coal mines and what happened to them. We will also be studying our local area in Geography and comparing it to a traditional mining village. In Art we will look at the artist Norman Cornish who was a pitman painter. We intend to visit a drift mine and Norman Cornish’s house at Beamish Museum. Our science will be looking at electricity and so we will design a product to use an alarm or a light in Design and Technology.
In the summer term we will be studying Ancient Greece and modern Europe. We will compare and contrast Greece to England and study how the Ancient Greeks have influenced the modern world. In Art, we will be using textiles. In English we will look at Greek myths and legends. Science this term will be Living things and their habitats. In R.E will be studying Judaism. We will take part in Shotton Hall Live, Sports Day and hope to climb a wall and play the Ukulele.
Useful Information
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- We use Class Dojo to set homework, award team points and communicate with parents. Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo using the parent code provided. For more information please click here.
- For further information about the homework your child will be set please click here
- Teachers will update Class Dojo with details of your child’s PE day.
- Pupils should come to school appropriately dressed for P.E. in either school kit (red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/trousers), or other suitable clothes including t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms that follow PE kit guidelines. Footwear can include plimsols, trainers or barefoot (depending on the suitability of the activity).
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill- please ensure names are on all bottles.
- All children are provided with a red book bag which they should bring to school each day.
- Pupils are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home and should submit their reading diary via Class Dojo.