Welcome to Class 9!
We are a vibrant class of Year 4 learners. Our teacher is Mr Rogers and our teaching assistant is Mrs Parkin. We love learning. Our day begins with a Boggle puzzle, where we find words of 3 to 8 letters in a mixed grid of 16 letters. We then attempt to solve the day’s Wordle puzzle, which we’ve become very successful at! Our subject lessons then begin after registration.
We start the year off by reading the Roald Dahl classic “The Witches” in English. We dive deeply into the text, to better understand the characters, setting and plot. We produce a range of pieces of writing including narratives, recounts and reports. In maths, we start with place value to get a good grasp of how digits and numbers represent values. In history we begin the year by learning about the Viking invaders of Great Britain. We explore how buildings, towns and cities are depicted in art. In Science, the children investigate animals including humans, where we start by understanding digestive systems and the cause of tooth decay. PE sees the children team games and passing skills with Handball.
In English we explore a range of non-fiction texts, including non-chronological reports. We also learn how to write detailed instructions. Our class texts in spring include Varjack’s Paw by S.F. Said and The Whistling Monster (traditional tales from around the globe). In maths we dig deeper into multiplication and division as well as getting to grips with fractions and decimals. In science we have a lot of fun learning about electricity, which includes some exciting experiments and investigations, where we practice working scientifically. Our learning in history, art and geography is based around the local area, with a focus on coal mining. In RE we explore miracles in Christianity and in PE we do dance and orienteering!
In the summer term we look at a range of poetry and of course write some of our own, which include various impressive features. In maths, we face the challenge of time and money, where we learn skills we can apply to the world around us. In science we investigate living things and their habitats, in our locality. Myths of ancient Greece is our theme for history in the summer and we research a European city in geography. We get to experience Mediterranean food in DT and in art we are visited and coached by a professional textiles artist. We also learn to play the ukulele in the summer! Hopefully, we’ll have good weather this summer as we’ll be playing cricket and athletics in PE.
Our curriculum is also enriched with weekly PHSE, where we explore philosophy for children, ICT lessons where we learn about networks, creating media and programming as well as French, which we learn to a basic but conversational standard.
We also enjoy our programme of cultural capital, where we participate in a range of exciting, enriching activities including rock climbing, a visit to Beamish, writing to an overseas pen pal and joining a rock band workshop.
Useful Information
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- We use Class Dojo to set homework, award team points and communicate with parents. Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo using the parent code provided. For more information please click here.
- For further information about the homework your child will be set please click here
- Teachers will update Class Dojo with details of your child’s PE day.
- Pupils should come to school appropriately dressed for P.E. in either school kit (red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/trousers), or other suitable clothes including t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms that follow PE kit guidelines. Footwear can include plimsols, trainers or barefoot (depending on the suitability of the activity).
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill- please ensure names are on all bottles.
- All children are provided with a red book bag which they should bring to school each day.
- Pupils are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home and should submit their reading diary via Class Dojo.