Welcome to Class 12C
We are a Year 6 class and our teacher is Mrs Carr. We enjoy working hard and becoming confident learners who are excited by new challenges and opportunities.
Our first topic answers the question: ‘What was life like in World War 1?’ In this topic we will learn about World War 1, focusing on what life was like to be a soldier during this time. Our Independent Learning Project will be based on WW1 and we will learn about the experiences and contribution made by soldiers and the impact it had on Great Britain. Our art topic will explore how to create a sculpture of a figure in movement using wire. Topics we will consider in science include: ‘Can you crack the classification code?’ and ‘Why is it important to have a healthy heart?’ In our English lessons we will be making links between our reading and writing, using extracts, short stories and longer novels including, ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman and ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo.
Our first topic answers the question: ‘What was the Windrush?’ In this topic we will learn about when and why people migrated to Britain from Caribbean countries and where the name ‘Windrush’ came from. We will talk about the experiences and contribution made by black people in Britain. Our Independent Learning Project will be Geography based and we will locate the Caribbean on a map, name the islands of the Caribbean and learn about some key physical features of the Caribbean. We will be working independently to research, design and make robots as part of Design Technology and in our Art lessons we will take inspiration from the artist Jackie Morris to produce drawings and paintings of animals and plants. Questions we will consider in science include: ‘Have we always looked like this?’ and ‘What would a journey through your body be like?’
In Year 6, Summer means SATs! Our assessment week will start at the beginning of May with tests in Reading, Maths, Spelling and Grammar. We will continue developing and improving our extended writing after the SATs. Our Summer history topic is: ‘Who were the Mayans and what can we learn from them? ’ We will once again be making some choices about our learning in our history topic by completing another of our Independent Learning Projects. We will be using our knowledge of electrical circuits to make a game or card in Design Technology. The most exciting part of the Summer term will be our end of year musical-theatre production. We’re not sure what the play will be just yet . . . but we can guarantee it is going to be a FABULOUS EXTRAVAGANZA! We will use the production to work on our creative skills in art and design, making props, costumes and backdrops for the production.
Useful Information
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- We use Class Dojo to set homework, award team points and communicate with parents. Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo using the parent code provided. For more information please click here.
- For further information about the homework your child will be set please click here
- Teachers will update Class Dojo with details of your child’s PE day.
- Pupils should come to school appropriately dressed for P.E. in either school kit (red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/trousers), or other suitable clothes including t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms that follow PE kit guidelines. Footwear can include plimsols, trainers or barefoot (depending on the suitability of the activity).
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill- please ensure names are on all bottles.
- All children are provided with a red book bag which they should bring to school each day.
- Pupils are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home and should submit their reading diary via Class Dojo.