Every child has at Shotton Hall Primary School is unique; they have their own thoughts, feelings and experiences which are grounded in their family, their community, their beliefs, their traditions and their culture.
Cultural Capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours and skills which a child can draw upon. It underpins a child’s understanding of the world. Cultural Capital gives power and can help children achieve their goals, whatever their starting points.
The National Curriculum defines Cultural Capital as being, ‘The essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’
OFTSED state that, ‘As part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.’
Cultural Capital Experience Passport
At Shotton Hall Primary School, our children benefit from a rich and engaging curriculum that builds on what they know already. Inspiring and memorable experiences designed to broaden children’s horizons are woven through the academic year. These experiences are planned carefully to enrich our children’s cultural, social and physical development. They include visits to museums, galleries, theatres, places of worship and universities. They give our children the opportunity to work with professional artists and writers and to support local, national and international charities. Our youngest children will enjoy visits to a local farm. Our older children will challenge themselves on a residential visit.
These experiences are outlined in our Cultural Capital Experience Passport.
Cultural Capital Experience Passport
Exploring Our World
Art and Culture
Caring for Others
Happy and Healthy
Making Memories