Welcome to Class 5
Mrs. McKitten and Mrs. Henry are our teachers in Class 5 and they work together to create a positive and happy learning environment which encourages independence and resilience.
During the Autumn term, our history topic focuses on a local study as we explore the question ‘What is special about Raby Castle?’ We will be investigating the features of a castle as well as comparing different types of castles and we will learn why Raby Castle was built all those years ago. In geography, we will be exploring what makes our area a special place to live which will give us the opportunity to use maps and atlases. This topic also links to science where we will be investigating world-wide habitats. In design and technology, we will learn how to make a moving picture book and in art, LS Lowry will be our inspiration when drawing buildings and people.
In the Spring term, our history topic focuses on significant individuals and we explore the question, ‘How did Malala Yousafzai and Rosa Parks make our world a fairer place?’ This topic will involve learning about the inequalities, discrimination and racism faced by many in the past as well as how the actions of these women have influenced our world today. In geography, we will develop an understanding of our world oceans, in design and technology, we will be given the opportunity to sew a bunting flag and in art, we will be creating a sculpture using clay and natural materials taking inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy.
Our final history topic of the year during the Summer term is ‘Who was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic?’ This exciting topic will take us on a journey back in time to 1912 where we will learn about this significant event in history. Continuing the sea theme, in art we will explore how the sea has inspired artists over the centuries and will have the opportunity to create our own mixed media seascape. In geography, we will be comparing our local area with Tulum in Mexico and in design and technology, we have the opportunity to design and make our own kites. In science, we will build upon our existing knowledge of habitats from the autumn term to identify the habitats of minibeasts around our school environment. In R.E, we will be submerged in the life of a Buddhist as we look at Buddha’s teachings and the impact on the world around us.
Useful Information
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- We use Class Dojo to set homework, award team points and communicate with parents. Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo using the parent code provided. For more information please click here.
- For further information about the homework your child will be set please click here
- Teachers will update Class Dojo with details of your child’s PE day.
- Pupils should come to school appropriately dressed for P.E. in either school kit (red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/trousers), or other suitable clothes including t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms that follow PE kit guidelines. Footwear can include plimsols, trainers or barefoot (depending on the suitability of the activity).
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill- please ensure names are on all bottles.
- All children are provided with a red book bag which they should bring to school each day.
- Pupils are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home and should submit their reading diary via Class Dojo.