Welcome to Class 12M!
Welcome to Class 12M, a mixed Year 5 and 6 Class taught by Miss Metcalfe, supported by Mrs Suter. Two simple rules underpin everything we do in Class 12M: Be Kind; Work Hard. We love reading, are curious about the world and are always polite and respectful. As we are some of the oldest children in the school, we take our responsibility as role models and ambassadors very seriously.
In the Autumn Term much of our work will be inspired by our World War 1 History topic. We will read the beautiful and moving novel, War Horse and write our own historical war time story. We will find out what life was like for the soldiers in the trenches, and learn about the life and work of Wilfred Owen. One very special responsibility we have in Autumn Term is to lead a Remembrance Assembly for the whole school and local veterans. Our Class Charity this year is the Red Cross, so we will also learn about its work and maybe find some ways we can help.
At Christmas, we will have the opportunity to perform songs in a very special concert in St Cuthbert’s Church. Children will also be working with Mr Scorer every Thursday afternoon in our Forest School area.
In Spring Term, SATs preparation will begin in earnest for our Year 6 children, with Booster Classes commencing after school. In our Geography lessons we will travel to the beautiful Caribbean and in History we will learn about the experiences of the Windrush immigrants, and discover how they helped rebuild Britain after the devastation of the war years. In Art we will study the paintings of British Artist, Jackie Morris and experiment with water-colours, sketching and painting native flowers, trees and animals. In English, we
will investigate whether zoos are good or bad for animals, and write a balanced discussion text exploring the arguments both for and against. Our trip in the Spring term will be to a local college or university.
In Summer Term, SATs for our Year 6 children will take place week commencing 13th May. After the SATs are over, there is much to look forward to in Summer Term: Shotton Hall Live, Sports Day, the Year 6 end of year production and time spent learning outdoors in our Forest School area. Many of our children will be invited to compete, representing our school in local sports tournaments and festivals. Our Year 6 children will take part in transition events at their chosen secondary school.
In the curriculum we will be studying The Mayans in History and investigating Fair Trade in Geography. Class 12M will also have the opportunity to run a break-time Fair Trade tuck shop this term – which will be great fun and VERY popular, I’m sure! In English we will explore the weird and wonderful world of Sci-fi, using the fictional planet Pandora from Avatar as our inspiration.
Useful Information
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- We use Class Dojo to set homework, award team points and communicate with parents. Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo using the parent code provided. For more information please click here.
- For further information about the homework your child will be set please click here
- Teachers will update Class Dojo with details of your child’s PE day.
- Pupils should come to school appropriately dressed for P.E. in either school kit (red t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/trousers), or other suitable clothes including t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms that follow PE kit guidelines. Footwear can include plimsols, trainers or barefoot (depending on the suitability of the activity).
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill- please ensure names are on all bottles.
- All children are provided with a red book bag which they should bring to school each day.
- Pupils are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home and should submit their reading diary via Class Dojo.