Our class pages are updated with information about each class, including the teacher’s name, the class curriculum and information of what each class is learning about and evidence of work.
For more information on our classes click here.
Our class pages are updated with information about each class, including the teacher’s name, the class curriculum and information of what each class is learning about and evidence of work.
For more information on our classes click here.
Adults in our school are the Duty Bearers for the children and ensure their rights are met.
We are very happy to discuss any concerns you have. You can contact us by email here, by telephone on 0191 586 4515 or by making an appointment with our office staff.
Full details of the staff in our school can be found here.
Diary dates and details of school holidays are featured on our weekly newsletter and also updated on our website.
These are available here.
A newsletter is sent by email every Friday. A copy of this is also uploaded to the website and Class Dojo.
Any letters sent home with children or sent by email are also available on the website.
Newsletters and Letters can be viewed here.