Mrs Egglestone is inviting parents and pupils of Class 6 to take part in a trial of Class Dojo a school communication app.
ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
For the end the summer term, Class 6’s home learning will continue to be uploaded to the school website, and also shared on the portfolio section of Class Dojo. This allows children to complete some of their work on Class Dojo, or photograph their work and submit it to Mrs Egglestone. Children can also send voice notes, videos and drawings via Class Dojo portfolio.
Class Dojo also has a points based reward system where children can be awarded points for their hard work. Whilst we are home learning this will be used to reward children for the work they have submitted in their portfolio. Parents will be able to view the points as the are awarded to children. Once all children have returned to school we are hoping to use Class Dojo points to support our current house point system and motivate children in school.
Parents will also have access to the Classs Dojo messaging service to get directly in touch with school in case of any concerns or queries.
Class Dojo is compatible with most devices and is available through the App Store and Android Play. Parents from Class 6 will be sent a text message with a unique parent code to access their child’s account. Children will be given a class code to access the portfolio.
We greatly appreciate the support from parents in trialing this app and welcome any feedback on it.