We have some sport challenges coming your way. They test your throwing, catching, coordination, balance, general fitness and many other skills that you have. There will be information attached to each challenge with instructions on how you can make it harder or easier.
Good luck guys
Mr S
Week Commencing 8.6.20
Friday 12th June
How many keep ups can you do with a tennis racquet (cricket bat, frying pan) and a ball? Good Luck!
Wednesday 10th June
Monday 8th June
Today’s challenge is football related. How many can you do before the ball hits the ground? You can use any part of your body apart from your hands. Good luck
Week Commencing 1.6.20
Wednesday 3rd June
A little balance challenge for you to complete today.
Monday 1st June
How many times can you bounce and catch the ball or dribble the ball before it falls to the floor? Start with a larger ball and reduce the size as you get more confident Good luck
Week Commencing 18.5.20
Friday 22nd May
How accurate can you be. You will need a ball or something to throw or roll and something to use as targets.
Good luck
Wednesday 20th May
Can you keep your balloon up for 60’s. If you don’t have a balloon you can use a light ball, a pair of rolled socks or anything of this type. Good luck
Monday 18th May
The aim is to jump a far as you can. You must stand with both feet together and start behind the line. Record how far you jump and try and beat it each time. Let us know how you get. Top tip. Bend your knees and use your arms to help you jump further.
Good luck
Week Commencing 11.5.20
Wednesday 13th May
Test your self in this fitness challenge. Good luck!
Monday 11th May
Today’s challenge is hand hockey. You will need two players, a small ball or pair of socks rolled up, a pen and a paper. Click on the link to see a short video of the activity.
Good luck
Week Commencing 4.5.20
Centre run challenge
Ball Pass
This is a challenge designed to test your coordination and awareness. You have to pass the ball around your body as many times as you can in 60 seconds.. To make the challenge harder use a smaller ball. Good luck.
Week Commencing 27.4.20
Shuttle Run
Monday challenge. You need a space around 5 or 6 metres apart (feel free to make this bigger) 2 cones (anything will do) and three objects, I used bean bags but you can use anything you like. Place two times at one cone and one at another. The challenge is to see how many times you can transport the objects between the cones in 30 seconds. As you get better feel free to increase the distance or the time that your working for.
Week Commencing 20.4.20
Toe Tap Challenge
For this you will need either ball or a small bench/step. The challenge is to see how many toe taps you can do in 30 seconds. To make this harder try it with a ball, and feel free to vary the size to increase your coordination and awareness (smaller ball requires you to be ore accurate with your foot placements). As your fitness increases simply increase the time that you work for. Good luck everyone.
Ball Rebound
This challenge works on your throwing, catching and hand eye coordination. Stand around a Metre away from the wall and use underarm throws. To start with try and compete 20 catches without dropping the ball. If you compete this you could either move backwards or if space is tight try one handed catches. If you can do 20 of these alternate between left hand thrown right hand catch then swap. To make this easier simply use a larger ball. When you can master this why not try and see how many consecutive catches you can do.
Good luck