Allocation £65,400 – 109 pupils @£600 per pupil
Item/project | Cost | Objective | Impact |
0.5 teacher to reduce class sizes for literacy and numeracy in Years 3 and 4 | £13,000 | Ensure majority of children achieve 4APS progress in reading, writing and maths | At April 2014 72% of children are on track to achieve 4APS in reading, 79% maths, 74% writing. School aim for at least 80% of pupils to achieve 4APS |
2 additional teaching assistants | £42,282 | All KS1 classes have 1 TA per class to ensure immediate intervention when needed | Target 80% pass phonics screening KS1 targets: Reading 74% 2b+ Writing 68% 2b+ Maths 76% 2b+ April 2014 show targets exceeded in all areas |
i- pads | £11,000 | Improve ICT provision for all children | Research skills and ICT skills improved |
Costs of 1.5 TA’s from 2012/13 | £31,664 | Increase ratio of TA to child in KS2 | April 2014 72% of pupils achieving 2.6 APS for the academic year in reading, 74% writing and 79% maths |
Booster club for Y6 | £1,000 | Small group additional support in reading, writing and maths after school | April 2014 data for Y6 showing % at Level 4+ Reading 90%, Writing 88%, Maths 94% |
Breakfast club and after school clubs | £9,000 | Increased numbers of children accessing after school and breakfast club | Breakfast club numbers 204 children accessed breakfast club (61% of the school) 121 after school club (36% of school) 170 children have accessed one or more extra curricular activity (45% of school) |
Off step trips and visits | £954 | Reduce cost to parents and increase uptake for residential visits | 50 children visited London 49 children visited Derwent Hill |
Total spend | £108,900 |