Allocation £157,300 – 121 pupilsx£1300 per pupil
Headteachers: Mrs J Hodgson Sept14- Dec14, Mrs A Boyd Jan15-July15
Strategy | Cost | Evaluation | Impact |
Employment of Teaching assistant to support in Y2 | 19,000 | TA works in a teaching partnership with teacher full time. TA support disadvantaged pupils to narrow gaps in learning and receive pre teach support. | Phonics Y2 pupils gap narrowed by 24% over 2 years Maths level 2+ gap narrowed by 8% Reading level 2+ gap eliminated and 9% above NA. |
Employment of Teaching assistant to support in EYFS | 19,000 | TA works in a teaching partnership with teacher full time. TA support disadvantaged pupils to narrow gaps in learning and receive pre teach support. | Small group work in Phonics, Literacy and Maths as well as regular interventions for Speech and Language and Physical Development to ensure 100% children made at least typical progress in all areas of learning. 50% good progress in reading, 38% good progress in Moving and Handling, Writing and Shape, Space and Measures. |
Employment of full time behaviour and attendance manager | £20,000 ( rounded) | Improve attendance of identified pupils. Provide individual support to vulnerable children and their families. Enable pupils to remain in class and experience full curriculum along with peers eliminating barriers to learning | 9/12 identified pupils increased attendance. Persistent absence reduced by 2.2%. Overall absence decreasing over time Disadvantaged pupils Trackers indicate vulnerable pupils well supported to access learning in class. |
Contribution to breakfast club to offer identified pupils a free place/resources | £2,000 | Pupils identified as not attending every day and on time are offered a breakfast club place | 9 targeted pupils attendance increased because of free attendance at breakfast club |
After school club provision New games resources for club Ongoing resourcing of materials | £2,000 | Pupils unable to attend clubs because of costs are subsidised. Club is enjoyable and pupils engage well and develop S&L skills, physically, socially and emotionally. | Pupils well being and participation in broader experiences improves their quality of life. Case studies show pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are given positive play and language experiences. |
Employment of additional breakfast club worker | £3,000 | Disadvantaged pupils experience qualified support to further develop social skills and games skills in club | Disadvantaged pupils have a positive start to the day and are able to apply themselves to learning in class without being hungry. More rapid progress is seen. |
Employment of additional KS1 teacher | £30,000 (rounded) | Maintain class sizes under 30 limit to ensure disadvantage pupils receive high quality teaching and learning experience | 19% more pupils in reading and 11% in writing achieved ARE or above from R to Y1. In maths 11% pupils achieved above ARE by eo Y1 but these pupils had not achieved above GLD at eo R. Writing from 29% to 44%, maths from 53% to 56% meeting ARE. |
Contribution to TA salaries across the school to support disadvantaged pupils within the class setting from January 2015 ( new HT) " | £47,000 | Support pupils within the class setting to access learning, develop positive behaviour strategies and apply themselves to tasks effectively Pupils can apply themselves to learning without distraction Teachers can deliver high quality teaching to pupils who are receptive to learning | Tracking indicates behaviour is effectively managed. Behaviour log indicates pupils are stable and routines and high expectations are well established. Consistent behaviour management is applied across all classes in and out of school. Pupils are well supported to address gaps in learning and learn at a more rapid pace. |
Purchase of bug club | £2,000 | Pupils are inspired to read daily and at length in school and at home from a range of high quality materials to consolidate learning in school | Pupils are inspired to read daily and at length in school and at home from a range of high quality materials to consolidate learning in school |
Purchase of Rapid Reading and Writing SEND resources | £5,000 | Older pupils with low reading age can access high quality materials to consolidate reading skills and narrow gaps in understanding Targeted pupils can address gaps in learning in writing through intervention materials in small groups. | See above 92% disadvantaged pupils made expected progress in writing - an increase of 7% on last year and gap narrowing by 4%. 88% disadvantaged pupils made expected progress in reading with the gap narrowed by 5% over 2 years. |
Purchase of Abacus maths programme to support teaching and learning across all classes AND CPD package of training for all staff | £4,000 | Maths is taught effectively and systematically across all classes Pupils learning is effectively differentiated | 92% Disadvantaged pupils made EP which is above NA and above non disadvantaged. 38% disadvantaged pupils made MEP 13% above last year and in line with NA. |
Purchase of Wordsmith programme to support teaching and learning of English across all classes | £4,000 | Disadvantage pupils at level 3+ at eo KS1 increased by 11% over two years. Pupils achieve better than ND pupils. Gap has narrowed by 13%. APS increased by .7 in writing at eo KS 1. Over time APS has improved. |
CONTINGENCY | £300 | ||
Total | £157,300 | ||
Unallocated | Nil |