Welcome to Class 3H. We are a Year 2 Class. Our teachers are Mrs Habicht and Mrs Suter. Mrs Hanley also works with us one afternoon each week. This year our topics are:
Autumn Term – Castles and Celebrations. We will be researching lots of information about Castles: what they were like? What they looked like? Who lived and worked in a Castle? We will also enjoy a visit to Raby Castle and a Medieval Banquet in which we can dress as Kings, Queens and Knights! We will also explore Celebrations including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. We will visit a Hindu Temple to find out more about Diwali and the Hindu religion.
Spring Term – Famous Folk. We will be exploring lots of famous people including Florence Nightingale, Samuel Pepys and many more! We will investigate why and how they became famous and what it means to be famous?
Summer Term – The Living world. We will read lots of non-fiction books to find out information about the living world and enjoy becoming investigators to find out lots of new information!
Useful Information
- PE is Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that PE kits are kept in school at all times
- Reading books can be changed every day.
- Writing homework is given our each half term, which is set at the beginning of the term and brought back before the holidays.
- Lucky Numbers are given our on a Friday to be returned on Monday.