At Shotton Hall Primary School we have an excellent pastoral team and work closely with families to address any areas of concern. In addition to school staff we also have a parent support advisor and school counsellor. Also, we consult with a wide range of external agencies and we maintain close partnerships in order to access the best professional advice and to ensure the emotional and social development needs of SEND children are met. We offer a wide range of programmes and support such as Lego Therapy, Nurture and Relax Kids, to improve emotions, friendships, general behaviour and self-esteem. We also offer bespoke support such as; 1:1 counselling and bereavement support.
We have completed ‘The Voice of the Pupil’ research with Schools North East and the Healthy Minded Commission around the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and those in other schools in the area. We run a range of focus groups and Young Carers groups to help our more vulnerable pupils. We also work closely with the Local Authority and Private Providers of additional services, such as Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapy, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) School Nursing Service, Social Services and Medical Professionals. We often hold multi-professional meetings in school so that parents are comfortable in the school environment and the child can join us easily, if it is appropriate.